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Segunda vida
Segunda vida
A single-hand watch has no minute and second hand. The object of this is making time seem to pass more slowly in our fast-paced world. At first, reading the time on a one-hand watch may seem challenging, but once you know the basics it becomes intuitive.
On most one-hand watches the markers on the edge of the dial indicate units of 5 minutes. There are three lengths of markers: The longest indicate the hours, the medium markers quarters of an hours and the shortest units of 5 minutes. On Meistersinger watches there is a fourth length of index which marks the 30 minute or half hour point.
The pointed tip of the hand points to the five-minute markers, making it possible to tell the time almost to the nearest minute. Considering most analog watches without minute markers will only give you the time in intervals of five minutes (let alone minimalist dials without any indices!), reading the time on a one-hand watch is fairly accurate.
Interested in a one-hand watch? Check out our Meistersinger collection for our complete range.
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