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You can find the model number of your Apple Watch in the Watch app on your iPhone or on your Apple watch.
Tap the My Watch tab, then tap General > About. Find the "Model" field. The part number starts with an 'M'. Tap the "Model" field. The field will be updated to a five-digit number starting with "A". This is the model number of your Apple watch.
Go to Settings > General > About. In the "Model" field you will find the model number of your Apple Watch.
In the table below you will find the size of your Apple watch per series and model number. The same model number is used for all series of Apple Watches, regardless of the material the watch is made of. So it doesn't matter if you have an aluminum or stainless steel version of a particular Apple Watch, because the model number is the same. However, each Apple Watch size has a different model number.
All Apple Watches in the left column fit Size 1 bands. All Apple Watches in the right column fit Size 2 bands.
Size 1 | Size 2 | |
Ultra | A2622 (49mm) A2684 (49mm) A2859 (49mm) | |
Series 8 (2022) | A2770 (41mm) A2772 (41mm) A2773 (41mm) A2857 (41mm) | A2771 (45mm) A2477 (45mm) A2478 (45mm) A2857 (45mm) |
SE (gen 2) | A2722 (40mm) A2726 (40mm) A2725 (40mm) A2855 (40mm) | A2723 (44mm) A2727 (44mm) A2724 (44mm) A2856 (44mm) |
Series 7 (2021) | A2473 (41mm) A2475 (41mm) A2476 (41mm) | A2474 (45mm) A2477 (45mm) A2478 (45mm) |
Series 6 (2020) | A2291 (40mm) A2293 (40mm) A2375 (40mm) | A2292 (44mm) A2294 (44mm) A2376 (44mm) |
SE (2020) | A2351 (40mm) A2353 (40mm) A2355 (40mm) | A2352 (44mm) A2354 (44mm) A2356 (44mm) |
Series 5 (2019) | A2092 (40mm) A2094 (40mm) A2156 (40mm) | A2093 (44mm) A2095 (44mm) A2157 (44mm) |
Series 4 (2018) | A1977 (40mm) A1975 (40mm) A2007 (40mm) | A1978 (44mm) A1976 (44mm) A2008 (44mm) |
Series 3 (2017) | A2291 (38mm) A1860 (38mm) A1889 (38mm) A1890 (38mm) | A2292 (42mm) A1861 (42mm) A1891 (42mm) A1892 (42mm) |
Series 2 (2016) | A1757 (38mm) A1816 (38mm) | A1758 (42mm) A1817 (42mm) |
Series 1 (2016) | A1802 (38mm) | A1803 (42mm) |
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